Covid and TANGO2

Has your child/patient had Covid? What was their experience?
Ryan is just getting over Covid. On day one he started with a sore throat, low grade temperature and mild fatigue. Day two and three he had extreme fatigue, weakness, a cough, low grade fever and occasional nausea. Now on day 4 his energy is returning although the mild cough remains. Throughout the illness he was able to eat and drink and take his vitamins. We did increase his b5. He usually takes b5 500mg in the Am and we added another 250mg of b5 at dinner time. I used acetaminophen and ibuprofen along with over the counter cough medicine to help alleviate the symptoms.

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Hanna has had COVID several times over the last few years. She is fully COVID vaccinated and her symptoms were mild: cough, runny nose, sore throat lasting 2-3 days. Very mild discomfort.

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@KMorris24 I wanted to see if you could share how Ryan did overall. Any additional thoughts or things you did differently aside from what you shared earlier?

Ryan started with a sore throat for a day and a half and reduced energy. Then he had a low grade fever and was in bed for two days with no energy to get up and about. A mild cough was next. We managed the symptoms by alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen and adding cough medicine to manage his cough at night. Throughout he was able to eat, drink and take his vitamins so we did not take him to see a doctor. After three days, his energy started to improve and by the 5th day he was back to baseline.

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Thank you for sharing @KMorris24.